An amazing fact about crocodile revealed when the Ukrainian crocodile _ Gena got sick after eating the mobile phone of one of the visitors on this Friday. According to BBC news the visitor Rimma Golovko was trying to take the picture of the African Gena opening his mobile when her phone slipped into his mouth.
No one paid heed to the complaints of Golovko, until the 14 years old Gena stopped eating. Despite the dose of laxatives Gena is still refusing food. The situation has become little severe that Gena will have to undergo surgery plus X-ray next week. Though the news is sad as far as the life of the crocodile is concerned, but it also presented an approach to rescue from the crocodile attack.
So if you are living in areas like India, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, etc where crocodiles are great in a number you just need to keep a cell phone with you along with other equipments. What you need to do is to throw your mobile into the mouth of a crocodile at the very moment he opened his mouth. The time he took in swallowing your phone will be your freedom.
Cutting the story short, it would be pertinent to say that mobiles are not only to communicate but to shut the mouth of the beast attacking you. Enjoy your new life :)
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