Gal Bladder is small but an important structure located next to the liver and stores bile ,a bitter fluid secreted by liver. Bile speeds up the digestion process .The reasons behind gall bladder's pain can be:
1- Lack of water intake
2- Starvation
3- Excessive intakes of chili
3- Excessive intakes of oil
4- Unbridled intakes of tea coffee and pickle etc
The symptoms of gal bladder's infection can be minor and acute pain beneath the right and left ribs, pain in back between shoulders blade,vomiting and nausea after food intakes.If you are feeling any of above mentioned pains then u need to see doctor immediately and take ultrasound images of your gall bladder.There can be two types of detections like squeezed gall bladder or gall bladder full of stones.In second case there is no remedy other than gall bladder removal through operation. But if the intensity of pain is minor then you can overcome it by taking few steps;
1- Eat beet and if not then drink its juice with lemon juice.
2-Use Carrots excessively in any form.
3-Avoid intakes of fried food and if necessary then use olive oil
4-A lot of yogurt with every meal.
5-Use apple in any form
6-Prefer vegetables over red meat.
7-Drink water excessively
8-Eat food after short intervals
9-Don't leave your stomach empty
10-Flax seed tea( It is an immediate remedy but use it in case of severe pain).
Good luck