The West Asian territory of Palestine is a bone of contentment between three prime celestial religions of the world: the Jews want this land for the greater Israel; the Roman catholic wants to build the Holy Roman empire in the region (on the contrary, the white Anglo Saxon protestants are in favor of the greater Israel for their own reasons); whilst, the Muslims want to expel the Jews from their territory. In this writing, I will explicate the reasons; lifting the importance of this old but small region. This article will also remind you the statement of the Newsweek about Palestinian region: "toosmall in geography, toobig in history".
For Jews, the basic reason behind the dream of the greater Israel is to rebuilt the Temple Mount on the land of their prophets i.e. Solomon and David by annihilating Al Aqsa mosque (which was built by Usman, the third Muslim caliph); and joining some areas of Egypt (from the brook of Egypt to the river Euphrates), entire Sinai peninsula, whole Syria, some of Iraq, the northern areas of Saudi Arabia and some areas of Turkey.
The Temple Mount was, firstly, destroyed by the Babylonian emperor Nebuzar-adan in 597 BC; and then, by the Roman emperor Titus in 70 CE known as the period of the Jewish captivity and Diaspora respectively; whereupon, their prophesied messiah will come and rule the whole world. The Muslims don't want demolition of Al-Aqsa mosque for two reasons: they are presently living in Palestine; secondly, Al-Aqsa mosque is their 1st Qibla, from where the prophet was ascended to the heaven (the Night journey). Similarly, the region is important for the Christians because the Prophet Jesus Christ was born and crucified there.
In Christianity, there prevail two schools of thoughts. First, is the White Anglo Saxon Protestants (Baptists) who are backing the Jews for the establishment of the greater Israel; because, according to their point of view, the Temple of the Mount is the place where Jesus Christ will appear after Armageddon and rule the world on the Throne of David. On the contrary, the Roman Catholic believes that Jesus Christ will come again in Jerusalem to rule the world; and that is the reason, they want to place throne of David in the temple of mount by removing the Jews and Palestinians both.
Both streams are against each other because of religious differences. Many people are of view that differences between the Roman Catholic and the Protestants are political, which is not true; because, the religion was the prime reason behind the troubles in Ireland. Likewise, the point of difference between Jews and Protestants is the messiah. For Jews, Jesus Christ is not messiah because their messiah is yet to come; whilst for Protestants Jesus Christ will resend by the God as their messiah.
Thus, the Throne of the David, is a common thing between the celestial religions of the world i.e. Jews, Roman Catholic, the white Anglo Saxon protestants, and Muslims. The throne of the David is a stone; whereupon,the coronation of the Prophet Solomon and David was held. This stone was first taken to Rome,then Ireland. Currently, it has given the shape of throne (the seat of throne is made up of that stone);and is present in Westminster Abbey, a Gothic church in Westminster, London; which is the traditional place of coronation for the English monarchs(near the parliament building).
Undoubtedly the world is looking forward for the messiah to settle down the disputes between the mankind. It is pertinent to say that; Palestinian region is the place of differences and will be the point of unity between the big and enormous religions and civilizations of the world in the future. In short, by keeping aside our past grievances we should open the new chapter; in order to, make this world worth living place.
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